Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Sestina and a Short Fiction: Publishing news

Plain Spoke Vol. 2. No. 1. is going to be out very shortly, and it's the longest issue yet, full of the fabulous, charming, and lovely works of an eclectic group of writers, featuring the poet Deborah Bogen (, who resides in Pittsburgh.  

In my own personal quest for publication, I received two good pieces of news today. 

Forthcoming in their "oldest profession" issue, my creative nonfiction piece, "The Brief Existence of Lainey O'Galeigh," will be published in MiPOesias .

Also, forthcoming in the Spring 2008 issue of Kaleidowhirl is one of my favorite pieces, "Homesick Sestina." 

Today I went to the first annual Lady of Mercy Handmade Craft Show in Carrollton, Ohio.  I didn't sell a ton of stuff, but I passed out lots of flyers about our grand-reopening in May (12th-18th, if you're in the area - check for details and schedule of events).  So we made back the table money, sold a few things, and got some (basically) free advertising.  

The weird thing was people were buying lots of fall-flavored (read:  orange and brown and fall colors) things.  I thought it was Spring, people!  :)  

Anyway, I've got a ton of work to catch up on.  

Friday, April 11, 2008

Two Poems and one contest.

I had bronchitis last week, and I missed all of my classes and did not even check my email.  

So when I did sit down to check it, I was overwhelmed with the amount of it (And Gmail does get a "good boy!" for making sure it was 99% spam-free).  

So first, I'll share all the good news:  

1.  Apparently there is an English department award each year, given to two English majors who "who not only earn high grades but who are also actively involved in class and contribute to other students and the life of the campus" according to the email I received.  So yay!  I won!  I never win anything.  

2.  "I Dreamed of Drowning" is forthcoming at Bakers Dozen.  

3.  "A Record of Things" is forthcoming at The Hiss Quarterly.  (This poem is one of my new favorites, and chronicles a piece of my mother's childhood, creatively, with wallpaper.  It should be up on or around May 1.)  

And now a little disappointment:  

I was hoping to be among the winners of the Akron Art Museum's New Words poetry contest, but I wasn't.  They don't send you any kind of loser notification, so I just kept checking the site occasionally.  Oh well.  I just thought it would have been cool to have won that one.